A Delicate Beauty: Celebrating Cultural Heritage
Modern & Contemporary Art
A Delicate Beauty: Celebrating Cultural Heritage

Step into a world where intricate craftsmanship and timeless beauty intertwine, as Galerie Koo presents A Delicate Beauty: Celebrating Cultural Heritage. This unique exhibition invites audiences to embark on a captivating journey that celebrates the harmonious fusion of Chinese paper cutting and French culture, offering a delightful blend of two forms of rich artistic heritage. 

Immerse yourself in the beauty of paper transformed into intricate works of art, where the delicate artistry of Chinese paper cutting pays homage to iconic French themes.  

A Delicate Beauty: Celebrating Cultural Heritage serves as a bridge between past and present, celebrating the enduring beauty and cultural significance of Chinese paper cutting. It invites visitors to appreciate the artistic mastery and craftsmanship, while fostering a deeper understanding of the cultural heritage it represents.  

Come along on this enchanting journey, where artistry and heritage intertwine, and immerse in the captivating world of Chinese paper cutting. Experience the elegance, precision, and timeless allure of this remarkable art form that has captivated hearts for centuries. 


Siu Wai Hing

Siu Wai Hing (b.1955) has shown keen interest in Chinese culture since childhood, especially in Chinese ink painting and traditional paper cutting.  She graduated with a higher diploma in Chinese ink painting at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Siu started her unique style of innovative artwork in Chinese ink painting under close supervision of master Liew Come Tong and mentor, Chan Shing Kau. Afterwards, she applied the painting techniques to her traditional Chinese paper cutting artworks, equipping her artworks with traditional Chinese culture. Her unique style and skilful hands have made the creations believable. 

Siu communicated continuously with different Chinese known famous paper-cutters, including Lu Xue, Yao Hongxia, and Li Yunxia. She was a tutor of the Chinese Arts Papercutting Association and has taken up a variety of educational jobs for over ten years. She worked tirelessly to help spread Chinese traditional paper cutting art culture and cooperated with diverse organisations, namely Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), Hong Kong Museum of History, Hong Kong Wetland Park, Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China, The Education University of Hong Kong, and YMCA, etc. 

Siu is the president of the Hong Kong Contemporary Innovative Ink Painting Association. Her artworks were invited to join both Mainland and overseas exhibitions, and were also awarded in the Chinese ink painting exhibition. Most of them are collected by diverse cultural organisations in Mainland China. 

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Galerie Koo
03.05 – 25.05.2024
Tue – Fri 11 am – 7 pm
Sat 12 nn – 6 pm
Free admission