Fabien Mérelle Solo Exhibition
Modern & Contemporary Art

Fabien Mérelle Solo Exhibition

Kiang Malingue is pleased to present Fabien Mérelle's solo exhibition at their Sik On Street gallery space, featuring a series of intricate ink and watercolour drawings as well as sculptural works.

Fabien Mérelle is a highly talented, French artist, living and working in Paris, who creates delicately detailed drawings in black ink and watercolour. A graduate of the Beaux-Arts Academy in Paris, Mérelle received a scholarship in 2005 to attend the Beaux-Arts Academy in Xi'an, China. This trans-global opportunity enabled Mérelle to discover and perfect the use of alternative Eastern drawing techniques, such as Chinese ink. Upon his return from Asia, Mérelle was granted a residence at the prestigious Casa de Vélazquez in Madrid and in 2010 he was the first winner of the highly lauded Canson Prize. Receiving international recognition, Mérelle's exquisite work has been exhibited at The Armory Show, New York and Art Paris among other locations. His work can be found in several private and public collections, including the Daniel & Florence Guerlain Contemporary Art Foundation in Paris.

Kiang Malingue

Kiang Malingue is a Hong Kong based commercial gallery founded by Lorraine Kiang and Edouard Malingue. Formerly known as Edouard Malingue Gallery, this initiative was founded in 2010 to build a critical dialogue between international contemporary artists, both emerging and established, who combine aesthetic concern with conceptual enquiry, and work across different disciplines from video and installation, to painting and sound.

Website kiangmalingue.com

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Email office@kiangmalingue.com

Kiang Malingue
17.05 – 29.06.2024
Tue – Sat 12 nn – 6 pm
Free admission