Modern & Contemporary Art


Freedom, movement, paradox, and energy are the words that best describe Antoinette Rozan and her work. Self-taught multidisciplinary artist for twenty years, creation is for her a vital expression, which she explores in two and three-dimensional formats. Paradox is the source of her strength. She sculpts in volume, yet sees with only one eye. She expresses that life is a perpetual energy in motion, yet her spine has been sealed since childhood. Her work embodies the joy of living overcoming obstacles and hardship. Anything is possible. When we are grounded in ourselves, we can fly. After all, our life force is linked to the heart – the vital source of all possibility. The great success of her first exhibition in France in 2005, along with Sin Sin Fine Art’s trust in Hong Kong, convinced her to devote herself to her art. Over the past fifteen years, her works have been shown in museums (Hong Kong Museum of Medicine and Sciences), fairs (Affordable Art Fair in Hong Kong), and public places (Cité Radieuse du Corbusier, Clinique Saint Martin in Marseille, Chateau de la Gaude in Aix en Provence, Pacific Place, and Tai Koo Place in Hong Kong). She continues to carry out numerous public and private commissions in France and China.

Antoinette Rozan

Antoinette Rozan comes from a lineage of five generations of artists, engravers, sculptors, and architects. After a career in luxury sales in France and Hong Kong, she discovered her passion and what gives her freedom: sculpting in clay or plaster, plying metal, letting herself go, and guiding herself by the medium itself to create shapes. A real paradox for an artist that can see only out of one eye!

She focuses her research on energy, movement, the mystery of matter that creates illusions: bronze seems to be light, a face hides another, there is balance where it would seem impossible…

This artist invites us to share the field of possibilities. Her creativity shows us how life is movement. After living in Hong Kong for many years, she developed a sensibility to the spiritual way of thinking that is customary in Asia.

The artist’s work has been commissioned by private collectors, public and private organisations, associations, and companies. She’s created works as different as portraits, memorials, trophies, monumental sculpture, paintings, and original works for her patrons. Antoinette Rozan likes the challenge of putting her creativity to use and creating art that adapts either to a strict demand or having the freedom of creation.

Has been with Sin Sin Fine Art since 2008.


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Sin Sin Fine Art
06.06 – 31.07.2024
Mon – Fri 9:30 am – 6 pm

Sat 12 nn – 6 pm
Free admission by appointment