The Splendour of French Baroque Music
Classical and Multi-Genre Music

The Splendour of French Baroque Music

In the 17th century, Louis XIV wanted to expand France's political and economic supremacy into the arts, and deliberately undermined the influence of Italian baroque to assert his own authority. France cultivated dance as the epitome of aristocratic art, and the consummate expression of the mastery of body and mind; French composers and musicians aimed to thrill the senses via the intellect, with sensory perceptions serving comprehension. This period saw the development and affirmation of the French cultural identity.

The French baroque musical style spread across different parts of Europe and beyond. Many composers from outside of France were influenced by the French style. They adapted French elements such as ballet and court dances as well as graceful French-style ornamentation in their works. 

On stage, French baroque dance expert Pierre-François Dollé will collaborate with Concerto da Camera baroque ensemble to present the splendour of French baroque music.

Artist Director: Karen Yeung

Co-Music Directors: Hyunjung Choi (Baroque violin), Agnieszka Mazur (Baroque oboe and recorder) and Sonia Lee (Harpsichord)

Concerto da Camera Baroque Ensemble 

Baroque dance choreographer and dancer: Pierre-François Dollé 


Performing music by French court composers such as Jean-Baptiste Lully, Marc-Antoine Charpentier, Francois Couperin, and more. 

In the second half of the concert, music of non-French baroque composers will be performed, such as Handel who integrated French elements in their works. 

Concerto da Camera Baroque Ensemble (Hong Kong) 

Concerto da Camera Baroque Ensemble focus on presenting European classical music from the 16th to the 18th century on period instruments. Historically informed practice is their goal, and at the same time, they are looking for innovation through tradition. 

Hyunjung Choi

Baroque Violinist

Originally from Seoul, South Korea, violinist Dr. Hyunjung Choi has appeared as a soloist, chamber musician. Choi performs frequently with Concerto Urbano, La Réunion Musicale, and Camerata Antiqua Seoul, and has performed in master classes at the Tafelmusik Baroque Summer Institute, Oberlin Summer Baroque Institute, Musica Angelica Early Music Workshop, International Baroque Institute at Longy, Early Music Vancouver Summer Workshop, and the American Bach Soloists Academy. 

Dr. Choi has also participated in recordings with La Réunion Musicale, Camerata Antiqua Seoul, and Sinfonia da Camera.  She holds undergraduate and master’s degrees from Ewha Womans University in Seoul and from Northwestern University, as well as a D.M.A. in Violin Performance and Literature from the University of Illinois, where she studied with Sherban Lupu. She is also active performer as a member of Camerata Antiqua Seoul, Alla Classica, and Quatro Ewha. She taught at Gachon University, Jeonju University, Yewon Art University, and Gangneung-Wonju National University. Currently, she is a member of Camerata Antiqua Seoul, Alla Classica, Quatro Ewha and a director of The New Baroque Company, and teaches at Ewha Womans University and Chungnam National University in Korea.

Sonia Lee


Scholar-performer Sonia Lee has given performances, talks, and master classes in nearly 150 cities on four continents. Her performances have been praised by critics as "masterly" (Aliénor News & Notes), 'nicely rendered' (Early Music America Magazine), 'full of elegance and expression' (Cleveland Classical), and possessing 'grace and flair' (Sounding Board).  

A performer on the modern piano and various historical keyboards with a versatile repertoire spanning from the 16th to the 21st century, Lee has appeared as soloist and collaborative artist at numerous festivals and venues, among them: the early music festivals of Utrecht, Boston and Costa Rica, Rome Festival, Nordic Historical Keyboard Festival, Early Keyboard Music Cycle of Buenos Aires, Midtown Concerts of New York, Milwaukee Museum of the Pianoforte, Schubert Club, Handel & Hendrix in London, KEK-Japan Concerts, the Early Music Colorado Fall Festival, National Music Museum of Vermillion, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Taipei National Concert Hall, and the Olympus Hall of Seoul. As director or guest director, she has led the University of Illinois Collegium Musicum, Dulces Exuviae, Musicerend Gezelschap, the Phantasie String Orchestra, and La Réunion Musicale. 

Pierre-François Dollé 

Baroque Dancer

Pierre-François Dollé is a choreographer, teacher, dancer, and researcher. After an academic training at the Musikhochschule in Cologne, Pierre-François obtained his State Diploma as a dance teacher. He regularly participates in productions at the Opera National de Paris. Since 2005, Pierre-François Dollé has specialised in ancient dances, and he worked with companies such as l'Eclat des Muses, l'Eventail, Les Arts Florissants, Le Poème Harmonique, Le Théâtre de l'Incrédule, Divertimenty, the Toronto Consort, Zeitentanz, Capella de la Torre, Les Jardins Chorégraphiques, and more. He now has a sustained activity as a choreographer, in France and abroad, for opera productions, theatre plays or choreographic performances. For many years, Pierre-François has been collaborating with Les Arts Florissants for shows, educational projects, dance workshops and balls. He is also pursuing his career as a teacher in early dance, through master classes, regular courses or workshops.


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Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall
11.06.2024 (Tue) 8 pm
$280 / $180