Fusion: Sino-French
Modern & Contemporary Art

Fusion: Sino-French

Cecilia Ho, Alice Kok, João Miguel Barros, Lampo Leong, and Francisco Ricarte from France and Macau are invited to explore and reinvent the fusion of the two cultures. By absorbing the essence of Chinese and French civilisations, they draw inspiration from various aspects of society, tradition, heritage, and historical and philosophical concepts to create dynamic and fascinating works that integrate the uniqueness and profoundness of both cultures.

This exhibition, which features a mix of photography, video, painting, and installation, celebrates the sixtieth anniversary of the Sino-French relations.

Cecilia Ho

Having studied art in Hong Kong, Paris, and Singapore, Cecilia Ho was the first Chinese artist whose works were chosen to be exhibited at the Summer Exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts in London in 1996. She continued to exhibit there in 1997, 1998, 1999. Later in 2000 and 2003, at the Paris Autumn Salon, her works were exhibited together with Zao Wou Ki. During the same year in Paris, she cooperated with French architect Jean Robert Mazaud and led the architectural project The Ring of Unity for the World Trade Centre Site Memorial competition. Since then, besides painting, her work has extended and evolved to performance, installation, video, photography, and multi-media expression.

Ho's recent works involve intense observation of people, places, and recording of the social, cultural, and economic conditions. Her major work Transporting Qi was shortlisted for 54th Venice Biennale for Macau. It was exhibited at collateral exhibitions of d'OCUMENTA 13 in Kassel, Germany.

João Miguel Barros

João Miguel Barros was born in 1958, in Lisbon, Portugal.

In 2017, he began to exhibit his photography work, with individual exhibitions at Creative Macau, Macau (2017), at Museu Coleção Berardo, Lisbon, Portugal (2018), at Macau Contemporary Art Center – Navy Yard nº 1, Macau (2019), at Albergue SCM, Macau (2019), at Fundação Rui Cunha, Macau (2020), and at Faculty of Law of the Lisbon University (2023).

He has also participated in several group exhibitions.

He was selected in 2021 to represent Macau at the Macau International Art Biennial.

Alice Kok

Alice Kok, born in 1978 Macau, embarked on her artistic journey in France in 1998. She earned a National Master Degree of Fine Arts from Ecole Supérieure des Beaux Arts de Toulouse in 2004. In Paris, she was granted 'La Bourse Individuelle à la Creation' in 2005, which facilitated the creation of her video work Karabic OK in 2006. Kok's artistic exploration took her to India and Tibet in 2007, where she completed the project Family Script. The film gained recognition as one of the Ten Finalists for Asian Awards at the Hong Kong Independent Film and Video Awards in 2009 and was showcased at the Cultural Centre of Hong Kong. Additionally, it was selected for the Gwangju Biennale in Korea in 2010. In 2011, her work Passing - Green Island represented Macau at the 54th Venice Biennale in Italy. With a career spanning over 19 years, she works as an artist, curator, senior writer, visiting lecturer, president of the Macau Art For All Society, and executive director of Macau Literary Festival. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Global Studies, focusing on relational art and social integration in the Greater Bay Area Cities. Her curatorial project Synchronicity - Topology of Mind was selected for the Art Macao - Macao International Art Biennale 2023.

Website fusion-sino-french.com

Email fusion.sinofrench@gmail.com 

Contemporary Art Museum of the Centre for Arts and Design, University of Macau
16 – 31.05.2024
Mon – Fri 10 am – 1 pm, 3 – 5:30 pm
Free admission